A quick update on the development proposal at 5009 Beard Ave S. As some of you may have already heard, the developer (Monarchcre)has filed an application for demolition of a historic resource. This will go to a hearing of the Historic Planning Commission (see details below). Those properties within 350 ft of the site will receive written notice of the hearing as well.
The developer has gotten another opinion as to the historic designation of the church. You can read the report here: www.dropbox.com/s/erc5x6cs3o8i76j/Final%20Historic%20Determination%20-%20Lake%20Harriet%20Church%208_24_2022.pdf?dl=0 If you have questions on the report, please reach out to Brian Woolsey of Monarchcre ([email protected]) or the report’s author, Amy Lucas ([email protected]). NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING Carol Lansing has submitted a Demolition of Historic Resource application to demolish the Lake Harriet Christian Church property located at 5009 Beard Ave S. The Heritage Preservation Commission will meet on Wednesday, September 28, 2022, at 4:30 p.m. in Room 317 City Hall, 350 S 5th St, Minneapolis, MN. Interested parties are invited to attend and be heard. Planning Department staff will issue a recommendation to the Heritage Preservation Commission. After hearing from the public, the Heritage Preservation Commission will make a determination based on required legal findings of fact. Please visit http://www.minneapolismn.gov/meetings/hpc/index.htm for the agenda with staff reports (web page will be updated by the end of the day Monday prior to the meeting date). In accordance with the Preservation Ordinance, all property owners within 350 feet of the subject property are notified of this public hearing. If you have questions about the project, please contact the City staff person listed below. If you would like to submit comments, you may make them verbally at the meeting or submit them in writing to: Rob Skalecki, City Planner – 505 Fourth Ave. S., #320, Minneapolis, MN 55415 Phone: 612-394-7851 Email: [email protected] PLAN15215 For reasonable accommodations or alternative formats please contact 612-673-2216. People who are deaf or hard of hearing can use a relay service to call 311 at 612-673-3000. TTY users call 612-263-6850. A Neighborhood gathering to discuss the current state of the project and get to meet / remeet each other is going to take place Thursday, May 12th at 7 pm in the backyard of Amy and Jerry Mimick at 5043 Beard Ave South. Bring a chair and beverage!
This is the Text from a PDF flier that was created and distributed to homes in the Fulton area near the proposed development: Proposed Development: 5009 Beard Ave S. (Lake Harriet Christian Church & Day Care) For more information, join our email list visit http://www.FultonBlocks.com What You Need To Know Lake Harriet Christian Church at 50th and Beard was recently purchased by private developers. The developers have put forth a proposal for a five story, 63 unit apartment complex with mixed use commercial/retail usage on the ground level. The project requires significant zoning variances and we anticipate the process will be complex. A group of neighbors have organized so that we can work as a team to share information and partner to support an outcome that makes sense for our community. There are numerous concerns about adding a project of this size to our neighborhood; below are just a few that will affect everyone in the surrounding blocks:
What Happens Next? The process is not linear. As of today, here is what we know about next steps. According to our City Planner, Peter Crandall, there are several phases including a review by the Heritage Preservation Commission, and land use approval hearings. Neighborhood groups and adjacent property owners are informed of hearings by email. Peter estimates this will be a two month process. How Can You Get Involved
City of Minneapolis – Community Planning and Economic Development 505 4th Avenue S, #320 Minneapolis, MN 55415 [email protected] 2. Get on our email list. We will provide updates on actionable next steps as we move forward. Sign up here: www.Fultonblocks.com ![]()
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